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Mountain Echoes season 4 completes in Thimphu

The over publicised Mountain Echoes 4 concludes in national capital Thimphu with hifi presentation Indian writers.

While the original objectives of the festival were to promote art, language and culture and boost cultural relation between the two countries, the festival appears to have deviated from the mission.

The festival saw promotion of English language followed by Hindi. There were very few presentation on Bhutanese national language, forget about several other languages spoken in Bhutan. The welcoming part was that most musical presentations were from Bhutan.

The third day of the event focused on the vibrant mural tradition in Bhutan.

On the third day, Kesang Choden T. Wangchuk was in conversation with Tshering Tashi where they gave an introduction to the enduring survival and conventions of art forms that are a way of preserving stories. Tshering Tashi started the session by introducing Guru Rinpoche and his teachings. He spoke of how Guru Rinpoche is the one who had brought Buddhism to Bhutan. Kesang Choden T. Wangchuck spoke about the murals found all over Bhutan and her work towards their restoration.

Rahul Bose and Aparna Sen discussed Indie Cinema. A frank discussion of the different kinds of cinema followed leading into the complex definition of independent (indie) cinema.

The festivals saw the congregation of veteran writers and commentators from Bhutan and India.

The event was inaugurated by Indian ambassador VP Haran, program directors Namita Gokhale and Pramod Kumar KG in presence of Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay and Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck.

Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck is the patron of the festival hosted by India-Bhutan Foundation established in August 2003 during the visit of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck to India with an aim of enhancing people to people exchanges.

One thought on “Mountain Echoes season 4 completes in Thimphu


    This is in continuation to my earlier information sharing titled, “Why DPT lost to PDP?” It is my opinion that people must be informed about the mockery of the election that has completely jeopardized the aspirations of JYT who dreamt to rule throughout his life with confidence based upon family ties through marriage of his son to the daughter of K4, which however fused in spite of his tireless efforts during the campaign.

    1. UgyenTshechhabDorji,younger brother of Sangye Nidup, the current President of the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the K5’s uncle. He played key role lobbying business community in Thimphu through his influence to vote for the PDP. He boasted that the PDP was established in the sole interest of the palace whereby PDP would have the authorities of the throne on land allotments, citizenship issues and giving raise to the pay for all the three armed forces and that everybody should vote for PDP.
    2. K5 personally visited Paro, Punakha, Ha, Wangdiphodrang, Trongsa and Bumthang in order to convince people in favor of PDP.While on his behalf, his Chamberlain visited families in the villages and distributed cash and assured that the PDP will be able to look into their social welfare needs. He commanded all elders and senior citizens to vote for PDP.
    In one of the meetings of K5 lobbying for PDP, former Agriculture Minister, the DPT member Dr. PemaGyamtsho was also present. He contacted former Prime Minister JYT, Yeshe Jimpa and KhandoWangchuk over telephone and conveyed his findings about the K5’s visit. Trio immediately approached K4 to report on the subject matter. However, recollecting generations of dedicated service to the kings, now being rewarded by K5 with deception, JYT and YesheJimpa fell into emotion and choked from voicing in the presence of K4. At that point of time KhanduWangchuk stepped forward to K4 and explained about the K5’s visit in Bumthang. K4 immediately telephoned K5 who was still in Bumthang and wanted him to return to the capital. On K5’s return to the capital, JYT, YesheJimpa, KhanduWangchuk and K4 met K5 and discussed on the matter. K5 responded with his flat answer that DPT has not sincere and had no respect towards the palace. So saying, he left the scene.
    3. The political affairs in charge of the K5’s secretariat and other officers were engaged in distributing lands and citizenship during the time of campaign. It was during that visit that the team also advised the people to vote for the PDP as it was actually the party established to support the palace. The team had told the people that the votes for 2013 election should go to PDP only. People were told that the candidates in the PDP were those assigned by the palace.
    4. All the officers in the armed forces and civil officers were politicized by convincing them of PDP being K5’s party and should be voted to win the election.
    5. Anonymous sources say that neither press media nor return officers could make sincere reporting on the malpractice of democracy during the election.
    6. All the postal ballots were manipulated or prepared on the instructions of their respective officers only.
    7. There were several cases of voters being transported on PDP expenses.
    8. All those reporting in the Times of India were made by the BCCI President UgyenTshechab who paid through Tenzin Lekphel, who is the General Secretary of Druk Nyamrup Tshokpa now enrolled with the PDP.

    Post-Election Reports
    People from Trashi Yangtse, who favored DPT lamented that the king had given the democracy as peoples right while in this second general election K5 himself has intervened and maneuvered votes in favor of PDP without giving rights to the people to choose their party to run the government. If the king wished to rule again, people will welcome to dissolve democracy. Let DPT also be dissolved and surrender to the palace once forever.
    During the general convention of the DPT on 18thJuly, 2013 at Thimphu, those assembled in the congregation did not hesitate to say that the election was but a total mockery maneuvered by K5 and invited for a call to change the king also. Thus in some corner of the hall, voices of Tenzin Lekphel supported by TsheringGyeltshen and echoed by people with the slogan, “Short live our King” and “we should burn down the constitution” were heard.

    Concluding remarks:
    One of the reasons for K5’s unhappiness with DPT was due to jealousy for being the person as a prime minister recognized globally by linking Bhutan with 31 countries in five years rule while the palace had been able to establish diplomatic relationship with 21 nations only.
    Therefore, K5 took help of Karma Ura supported by Queen Ashi Dorji Wangmo and UgyenTshechhab contacted Indian media by paying incentives to write against JYT. In fact Bhutanomics is an entity initiated and being supported by UgyenTshechhab. The comments were manipulated in the name of Bhutanese and similar fake names.
    During 2008 election all the people in Bhutan speculated that giving votes in favor of PDP would mean the government like wine changing the bottle as the party was headed by Sangye Nidup. The 2013 election cheated the people by keeping Sangye Nidup behind the curtain by using his brother UgyenTshechab and nephew K5 supported by their coterie and the faithful palace dogs maneuvering the voting processes. Perhaps the end to the destiny of Bhutan to be ruled by hereditary monarchy is now coming to an end. Even the constitution was written by experts from India and handpicked some people as “Constitution Writing Committee” only to eyewash the world community. During K5’s constitution orientation visits with the people of Thimphu on 29thOct, 2005, he had said that the role of opposition in a democracy would be to keep check and balance on the ruling party to ensure that misuse of power like involving in the corruption and misuse of state properties to gain party’s interest should be kept under strict vigilance. The ruling party could use their power giving citizenships to illegal migrants which thus would need to be kept under control. Advocating that the constitution was made to best suit the needs of the people as a whole, people assembled to listen to K5 were not given any opportunities to make their suggestions. With king above the constitution, the future predicted in 2005 was perhaps this year of 2013 that manipulation of the process of election has been witnessed by the people not fearing for any lawful action as K5 himself got involved in the entire processes.
    In the end, post-election has brought about life threatening calls to JYT, Yeshi Jimpa, KhanduWangchuk, Dr. PemaJamtsho, Tenzin Rigden and TsheringGyaltshen from the K5 coteries.
    India’s urgent role under the direction of King in Bhutan’s General Election:
    Central Government of India had withdrawn the subsidy on the cooking LPG gas from the 1st July till 1st August with the word, it was happened due to DPT’s government was having good relation with Chaina. Why only for one Month? As Chaina will be always remain as northern neighbor of Bhutan and Bhutan should keep on talking all in polite with Chaina on the controversial northern border issues.

    By Karma Wangchuk, Thimphu
    26th July, 2013


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