Bhutan News Network

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Suicide among American Bhutanese continue unabated

Bhutanese suicidal trend in post resettlement circumstances in United States continue rising at unprecedented rate despite community and government efforts to address it.

Neither the community organisation, nor family and the service providers have been able to dig out the cause of suicides among the Bhutanese community members. Almost two dozen Bhutanese have so far committed suicide in US so far.

The latest case comes from Baltimore in Maryland where Chandra Chhetri ended his life on Tuesday (November 19). Born in Gomtu, Bhutan in 1992, he moved to the US under third country resettlement from Beldangi I in 2009. Family had not seen any unusual behaviour by Chandra.

He left behind his parents Mr. Khem and Sunita Chhetri, a younger brother Krishna, and sister Meena.

After two days of investigation, the body has been taken to Maryland Cremation services.

Madhu Kadel, 27, from Rochester in New York had killed himself on November 9 by hanging at the basement, only a week after his good performance at the cultural presentation.

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