Weather data management training for WCP staffs
A two days training on “Introduction to Weather Data Management” for field staff of Wangchuck Centennial Park has concluded.
The workshops on November 7 and 8 was resourced by Tshencho Dorji, Meteorology Officer at the Department of Hydro-meteorological Services under Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The training was part of the government efforts to strengthen the knowledge of park staffs on meteorological parameters, types of meteorological stations and identification of sites for meteorology stations, data collection, processing and archiving and use of weather link software.
The trainees also visited to the Chamkhar Hydro-met station where a demonstration of setting up of the weather station was arranged.
The training is supported under USAID’S Asia High Mountains Project that spans across Bhutan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, and Pakistan.