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Delay in sub-division hq transfer in Sarbhang

Sarbhang district in southern Bhutan
Sarbhang district in southern Bhutan

The Tobgay-government is unlikely to implement one of its commitment given during the general elections in 2013.

The government has delayed its decision to transfer the sub-divisional headquarter from Gaylegphug to Lalai (Umling) despite the deacon of the local government representatives a year ago to that effect.

The government is finding it easy to make excuses saying it would take time due to lack of bridge over Mao river.

Interestingly, the local government representatives voted to transer the headquarter to Lalai realising large number of people were facing traveling to Gaylegphug for official works, due to absence of bridge over the same river.

In a recent house debate, Home Minister Damcho Dorji said the government had identified 5 acres of land at Lalai for establishment of divisional headquarters and thus necessary approvals were being sought from the National Land Commission for land related issues.

He did not specifically mentioned any other progress has so far been made other than seeking land approval from Land Commission.

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