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Dutch Bhutanese delegate raise Bhutan tourist visa and citizenship issue with local MP

A team of Bhutanese Community in The Netherlands (BCN) has met with Dutch Parliament member Sadet Karabulut at her Chamber on Monday. During the meeting several issues concerning Netherlands based Bhutanese community were discussed.

According to BCN’s Ram Karki, they have raised the issue of elderly community members who have been facing difficulty in getting Dutch citizenship despite meeting other criteria except language. It is mandatory in the Netherlands to attain diploma in Dutch language to get citizenship. She assured to provide possible solution when she gets all other documentary evidence.

BCN has also raised that Dutch government must facilitate for tourist visa to members of the Bhutanese community resettled in the Netherlands to visit Bhutan as tourists. Bhutan does not issue visa to the resettled Bhutanese.

She said that she will discuss the issue about tourist visa to Bhutan with the concerned people in The Dutch government and see the possibilities to raise the issue with Bhutan Government.

“I was very interested to participate in your 10th year anniversary program of 18 February 2019 but due to my urgent engagement I could not join you there that’s why I invited you all today here for an introduction and to listen your problems” said Mrs. Karabulut. She also expressed her happiness to meet the team and expressed her willingness to proceed further for the just resolution of the community issues raised.

On behalf of BCN Karki thanked the Dutch government for successfully resettling the exiled Bhutanese and for providing all sorts of assistance necessary for their proper settlement in The Netherlands.

The team was led by Karki consisted of Aiman Samal (BCN Founder), Krishna Basnet (BCN Women Coordinator), Deo Kumar Rai (BCN Member), Ariette Prince Hekman (Dutch supporter) and Rita Thapa, local media personnel.

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